Coordinate transformations

A SWIFTGalaxy enforces a consistent coordinate system for all particle types and coordinate and velocity arrays (accelerations are not supported, yet). Any relevant particle arrays already in memory are modified when a new transformation is applied, and any relevant particle arrays loaded later will be automatically transformed to the current frame.

The current centre and velocity centre of the coordinate system (in simulation coordinates) are available as properties of a SWIFTGalaxy. The current rotation (about the origin of the simulation coordinates) is also available:

sg = SWIFTGalaxy(...)

It may be that along with the basic coordinates and velocities arrays, you have additional arrays that you wish to live in the same coordinate system. We could imagine, for instance, a property called wind_velocity attached to star particles and containing a vector giving the velocity of a (directional) stellar wind in simulation box coordinates. We can use the transforms_like_velocities to specify that this property should have any coordinate transformations that would be relevant to the velocities of particles applied to these as well:


The equivalent for coordinate-like arrays is the transforms_like_coordinates argument. The coordinates and velocities arrays are always assumed to transform as coordinates and velocities, respectively. Note that it is not necessary that a name provided in one of these arguments be present for all particle types.

By default, SWIFTGalaxy assumes that particle coordinates are stored in a dataset (one for each particle type) called coordinates, and velocities in datasets called velocities. If your data use non-standard naming of the coordinate and velocity arrays, you can provide alternative names (replace the defaults in the example snippet below with your custom names). Note that the datasets named in these arguments are implicitly added to the sets transforms_like_coordinates and transforms_like_velocities, respectively.



Automatic recentering

By default, a SWIFTGalaxy is recentered on the centre of the galaxy (as defined by the halo finder), and its velocity is shifted to follow the bulk velocity of the galaxy (again as defined by the halo finder). This behaviour can be disabled by setting SWIFTGalaxy(..., auto_recentre=False). Note that this recentering only applies to particles – no coordinate transformations of any kind are every applied to entries in the halo finder catalogues, so for instance querying the position of the galaxy in the halo finder catalogue will always give this in the simulation box frame.

Some halo finders define more than one centre and/or bulk velocity. The one used is the one returned by swiftgalaxy.halo_finders._HaloFinder._centre() (for the centre) and swiftgalaxy.halo_finders._HaloFinder._vcentre() (for the bulk velocity). In the case of the Velociraptor halo finder, the centre used can be manipulated by the centre_type argument. By default it uses the potential minimum (minpot), but this could be exchanged for the most bound particle, for instance:


Manual recentering

You may always choose a new coordinate centre or bulk velocity by providing the new centre (or bulk velocity) in the current coordinate frame to the appropriate function:

Recall that swiftgalaxy is unit-aware, so the centres must come with units – these can be any compatible unit; conversions are handled internally. For example, for a Milky Way-like galaxy already centred on the galactic centre and rotated to lie in the \(x-y\) plane, switching to a heliocentric frame could be achieved with something like:

import unyt as u
sg = SWIFTGalaxy(...)
...  # presumably need to perform a rotation to align the plane
sg.recentre((8, 0, 0) * u.kpc)
sg.recentre_velocity((220, 0, 0) * * u.s**-1)


Very similarly to manually recentering the coordinate or velocity frame, functions are provided to apply a translation to the particle coordinate or velocity arrays. Note that velocity translations are referred to as boosts:

The only difference is that these are more convenient when you know the vector to translate by, instead of the vector pointing to the new centre. Keep in mind that the translation vector is interpreted in the current frame of reference.


Rotations of the coordinate frame apply to both particle coordinates and velocities and are therefore applied to datasets specified by both transforms_like_coordinates and transforms_like_velocities (see above). As with all coordinate transformations, a rotation is always interpreted in the current frame of reference.

Flexible encoding of rotations (e.g. from a rotation matrix, or Euler angles, or quaternions, etc.) are enabled via the Rotation class. For example, if the rotation matrix is known it can be provided as (here with an identity rotation):

from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
sg = SWIFTGalaxy(...)
        [[1, 0, 0],
         [0, 1, 0],
         [0, 0, 1]]

For the full list of encodings supported by Rotation, see its documentation.

Box wrapping

For a periodic simulation box, the spatial coordinates will automatically be wrapped as necessary to ensure that their absolute values remain less than half a box length. If for any reason you wish to force a box wrapping operation simply call wrap_box().

Copying a coordinate system

A second SWIFTGalaxy can be created using the (current) coordinate system of an existing instance:

sg1 = SWIFTGalaxy(...)
sg2 = SWIFTGalaxy(..., auto_recentre=False, coordinate_frame_from=sg1)

This is only possible at creation time, and auto_recentre must be set to False. Also note that this does not lock the coordinate systems together. For instance, if one galaxy is subsequently rotated, the second will not rotate with it.